Monday, December 1, 2008

Christmas is Coming

We started off the Christmas season a few days before Thanksgiving by having our 2nd annual Christmas cookie making session. We started about 9am and finished about 9 or 10pm. It was a fun day and just a little chaotic. We mixed, baked, iced and decorated to our heart's content. The kids were interested for about the first 30 minutes and then they just wanted to play and eat the finished product. We distributed them to the men's co-workers, neighbors and friends. Most of whom think American Christmas cookies are great - something you'd never find in Switzerland.

Our Christmas tree is up! Tom and I love the Christmas traditions. The Friday before Thanksgiving we scoured the stores in Fribourg and found one that had Christmas trees. We had an enjoyable evening of trimming the tree while listening to Christmas music. This tree is much better than last year's (click for picture) and was less expensive. This is a half-way done shot; finalized tree picture to be posted soon. Oh, and the curtains are up, too - Tom and I finally agreed on and purchased curtains for the living room. What do you think?

My cats don't understand that this cute little hat was made especially for them. Try as I might I couldn't get them to sit still and pose for the camera. These are the best shots - the ones where they weren't squirming out of my grasp :)


Lisa said...

I like your curtains, and your tree. We bought a fake tree this year. Denis, who types most of the day, really hates having sticky hands, so I went with the mess-free fake one. I am going to need to find some very realistic spruce scent to spray on it, though. The smell is one of the best parts of a Christmas tree.

Cristina said...

I like this year's tree! You're right - better than last year's :) though last year's was fine... but this one is bigger :) Did you make those hats for the cats? So cute! Yeah, I tried making a backpack for my cat to wear when I was in middle school and Tiger was not a fan of the cat-pack... I had great visions of her being a note-messenger between the rest of us in the house and she would have none of it :) Oh well... that's what dogs are for :)