Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Catch Up

I was looking through pictures and realized that I've missed quite a few of them, so here is my first post to help catch up to real time.

We visited Hauterive quite a bit before Andrew was born.  It was a perfect place to take Laura and since it was cold, we often had the place to ourselves.  Here's a family shot taken in October.

Laura helping carve her first pumpkin.

The horrible construction I had to deal with while 8 months pregnant, with a toddler and with Tom gone.  We had to park our car a block away for a week while they were laying water pipes.  Those stairs were not fun to do while pregnant!
Here we were heading to the ludothèque (toy library) to exchange Laura's suitcase for something else.  I love the concept of a toy library.  Does such a thing exist in the US?

We went to the zoo over our birthday weekend.  I think Laura enjoyed the massive playground more than all the animals.

Trying to get a good shot of a 2 year old is challenging enough without your camera going crazy.  I actually had Laura cooperating and the camera went berserk.  I managed this one non-fuzzy shot before it completely shut down.

Taking our little bee to the store on Halloween.  We only got a few funny looks from people.

Back at Hauterive - pretty fall colors and a baby bump!

Our Little People Nativity scene had molded while in storage, so we gave everyone a bath.  Laura had a ball washing baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph while wearing one of Mommy's gloves.  She also had to wear an apron like Mama.  Monkey see, monkey do!

Sweet :)

1 comment:

katie said...

i've never heard of a toy library before, though it is a brilliant idea and i'm sure there are a smattering of them in the states. in a similar vein, we have gotten much use out of the tool library here in berkeley -- you can check out everything from ladders to table saws to brickworking tools to weedwhackers. brilliant!